The Blob Solo PVP Video – Learn PVP Edition

The Blob is one of my latest PVP videos that I have now gone back and narrated so that players could not only see what I'm doing but hear me explaining why I am doing it.

The video is mostly me solo in a tracking/nano hurricane. Although there is a quick Thrasher fight and a pretty cool fight where I'm in a Drake fighting evil pirate scum! lol

The sound might start a little low, but be patient. I lowered it so you could here my voice.

I think there is a demand for videos that teach the skills and tactics of PVP. If you agree with that I encourage you to leave a comment saying so. That way I can judge the demand.

Remember to watch in Full Screen and set it to 720P for best quality!


About the author

In 2010 Abbadon21 was the first person to create Narrated Instructional PVP videos for EVE Online. This started a new era of EVE Online and opened up high level "PRO" PVP to everyone. Abbadon21 is also the Founder of, which is EVE Online's oldest and most trusted source for high quality PRO Guides.