Announcing The Wolf PRO Guide

I am very proud to announce the the Launch Date of my newest PVP Guide, The Wolf PRO Guide. Set to launch at 12:01am US EST Monday June 4th! This…

Tracking Is Only Half The Story

Everyone in EVE Online understands the basic idea of Tracking. The basic idea that turrets must be able to spin fast enough to keep up with the target to maintain…

Tanking as a Solo PVP Tactic

Moments ago I was replying to post over at the EVE Online Forum asking if it was possible to learn PVP in Big ships like Battleships and Battlecruisers. You probably…

Quick Directional Scanning Example

Face it, you can’t PVP if you can’t find targets… Which is why I’ve been focusing on Scanning Videos more recently. However in the past videos, some of my example…

Bait Tankin – Encouraging Mistakes

In the past I’ve talked about Misdirection and how important it is take advantage of your opponents mistakes. In this article I want to talk about a trick you can…

How to use the directional scanner to find targets in anomalies

How To Find Anomaly Runners Instantly With The Directional Scanner

I spend A LOT of time roaming Null Sec space. That means I come across ratters all the time and most of those tend to be in Cosmic Anomalies and…

EVE Online Elite PVP Guide

It’s an Ambush!

Most of my EVE Career has been spent fighting outnumbered. First as a PVPer in an Industrial Alliance fighting off a large Pirate Alliance, then as a small group of…

How to Hunt Herds Like a Cheetah

[youtube MJA7sIpusjI nolink] In the above video you can see a real world example of EVE Online Elite Level PVP… Imagine there is a 100 strong herd of BattleCruisers passing…

JUMP JUMP JUMP – The Frigate PRO PVP Guide is LIVE!!!

After over 4 months of hard work it’s finally done! The Frigate PRO PVP Guide is over 4 hours of hardcore “teach you to kick ass” video PLUS added text…

March 1st – The Day PVP In EVE Online Changed

As I write this article the release of my much anticipated Frigate PRO PVP Guide is just over 24 hours from being released. Never before in the history of EVE…